What is important and what is not?!

Nagham Doun

Everyone is different and everyone’s perspective about life completely varies.

Regardless, we are humans and this difference is what makes us the same. There are ups and downs in everything we do, but we survive with our years of survival instinct to remain at the top of the food chain.

As an AUW student,the “downs” in your life are 8 am classes, unfulfilling meals, gloomy dorms, and suffocating pressure from your studies.

But we are fighters. We survived. And that’s how you will survive.

Once you step into the place, you will start to see colorful smiles,  joyful faces, loud laughs,and hidden anxieties.At first, you may like it but as you keep experiencing the “downs” mindlessly and without a break, you will start to notice that the days are hardly moving.

You’re wrong.      
The days will speed by and leave you stranded to a point when you may miss some parts of your daily life without noticing it.At the end of the day, you will know it is worth it- every moment that you wished you were out of this place will come to you all too soon.

The best thing to do during the time you are spending in this place is to make the best use of it.Make good friends. Share moments with these great people. Enjoy the activities and the parties. Seize the times of struggle as well as those of enjoyments because we have no choice but to keep moving on and on.

And when things get tough, think: “It’s just a bad day. Not a bad life.” And you know what? Bad days pass. Yours will eventually pass too, leaving you with good lessons and better a mind.
That’s what is important in the end.

It’s not important to be happy 24/7. In fact, it is just not possible. But what is important is to make these hard times your friend. Learn from them and let them create a better YOU.

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