University Survival Guide 101

Nazifa Rafa


As you fumble through the gates with your over-packed luggage, you can’t help but feel your heart sinking. The campus isn’t that large but the rows of buildings stand like intimidating mountains above your head.
“Should I have waited another year?”you ask yourself. “Is it too late to return home?”
You are so scared that you can feel your breakfast coming up your throat. You look at a student, probably a senior, flopped down on the stairs of the 20G building, giggling with her friends.
You envy her. You want to be calm and carefree like her.
However, the UG3 student is also scared. Frightened to her wit’s end. She has no idea what she will do after graduating, whether her CGPA will drop this semester or how she can boost her credit points. 
University life isn’t easy. It leaves bittersweet memories. It is the best time to enlarge your social circle- you’ve heard it all before. You look forward to it and hope you can look back to the time spent fondly. But how do you go about to achieve that?

Take some time out to familiarize yourself with your environment
You have been plucked from your own personal bubble and thwarted in an entirely different environment, so the alarm stemming from unfamiliarity is inevitable. During the first few days, go on a mission to solve the mysteries of 20G and 20H building. They are rumored to be shift around like the moving stairs at Hogwarts. Get to know your batch mates too. Who knows, you may find a Ron and Hermione within them.Be careful of the Pettigrews though.

Set high academic standards for yourself and strive to fulfill your own expectations, not others
You have probably been hearing that university is nothing like high school. It’s true. You have to be responsible for your own education so be sincere to yourself and your goals. Go to classes, do your readings, and keep up with the course syllabus. Hard work always pays off- remember that. Also, as impossible as it may sound, stop procrastinating! Lastly, make sure that the end result is something that will make you happy because someone else will not be living your life for you.

Eat healthy and hydrated
Don’t just wolf down Mama Noodles, no matter how easy they may be to prepare. Go grocery shopping, and try to buy different fruits and vegetables. Get enough protein in your diet. Go to the gym in the 20G building and try to do exercises that break a sweat. You are carrying hundreds of dollars’ worth of organs.
Most importantly, know that everyone here is nervous, scared and anxious. However, everyone here is also trying their best to be their best.

Validate your anxieties and worries
No, you’re not being silly. There are hundreds of students who walked the same halls as you. Are you saying that you are the only one who is bothered by this particular worry? Ask for help. Reach out to that approachable apu that you always look up to during classes. Write an email to your professor who always makes sure to ask everyone how they’re doing at the beginning of their classes. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to set an appointment with the campus psychologist. Your mental health needs are as important as your physical ones.

Take advantage of the facilities offered by AUW
·         Your Gmail is another set of eyes, ears, and mouth. Download the app on your phone and turn the notifications on for it.
·         The library is a sanctuary. Cherish it.
·         Attend the different TALE Talks, and the events hosted by CDIP.
·         Join clubs. AUW students are a part of a wide variety of clubs that constantly host events, ranging from volunteer work to teaching cooking skills. Keep yourself involved!

Take a break when it gets overwhelming
Don’t stay cooped up in your dorm. Look for productive outlets to release your stress. Go out with your friends. Take your stress out at the gym while burning some calories. When you can’t, look out for the announcements of movie nights or different festivals hosted by the OSA.
Yes, university life will be the same for you as it is for everyone. It is also different, because the memories are yours to pave. Grip on to your metaphorical seatbelts tight with your shaky hands but repeat the mantra- Everything will be fine as long as I do my best to be my best.


  1. I love this piece of writing the much I love the person who wrote it. ❤


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