Today Students Celebrate Teachers

Sabira Madady
As a student, I wanted to ask my teacher, who skipped the most important chapter of our biology book which was about reproductive health and menstruation: Why? Why did you take our basic right of learning about our bodies and its growing process? Why did you lead us to be ashamed of our body and ourselves for years? Why did you lead hundreds of students to be afraid of asking questions about menstruation? 
You might have thought you did a very good job by not teaching students about something that is a taboo and is stigmatized but you have no idea about the consequences of your actions. Your students suffered.
We suffered by not speaking, because we were afraid, and because you taught us to keep it hidden no matter how much pain we endure. You didn’t know how many of your students went through mental health problems and traumas. It even lead to health issues as we were not aware of how to take care of our own body. As a teacher, as a guide and as a mentor you are responsible for this. 
To the teacher who did not call me by my name and addressed me by my father's name instead, why did you do it? What was it so wrong to call me by my own name in the presence of my male classmates? Because I am a girl? Who gave you the right to discriminate me on the basis of my gender and sex? Is my value based solely on how I am related to a man? Am I not my own person?
To the teacher that harassed, abused, and misused the students, especially female students: how dare you? Did you ever think that your sister or your daughter might be harassed by your fellow male teachers? You didn't know how many of your students had been afraid of you, and of attending your classes. None of your female students would be able to forget your offensive words or the strange looks you gave them. 
To the teacher who slapped me several times when I was in my 6th grade, because my scarf (hijab) slipped off of my head, did you ever think how much it affected me mentally? Did you know the power of your hand when you hit an eleven year old student? Did you know the pain I went through? 
Please please make the school environment a safe place for everyone. Please stop discrimination! 
Lastly, I would like to wish my true, hard working, and honest teachers a Happy TEACHER'S DAY!

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