Dear Apu!

Do you know what Dear Apu is about? No? Here’s what it is!

Courtesy: HYS

Dear Apu, a column under the Well-Being section of The Echo, is designed to let students, especially those who don’t usually refer to the AUW counselor, to ask questions anonymously and get their answers from the Apu (a sister). After discovering that there are students who are ashamed of visiting the counselor or psychologist, The Echo decided to activate this section by giving it a spark. Though the section was designed before, it wasn’t introduced and activated. However, from the following Spring semester 2019, it will get started.
Through the Dear Apu column, students can ask their questions regarding anything, such as mental status, physical health, friendships, family, and even relationships. The questions can be asked either by an anonymous email address, which The Echo may make and send to all students. Or students may even ask the questions by writing them on a piece of paper and putting them in the box for collecting the questions, which will be kept in the lane. The Well-Being section will arrange the setup as soon as possible. There’s also a plan to create a section in The Echo website where students can type and submit their questions anonymously.
Every two weeks, we will choose one question to answer. The answer to the chosen question will be published under the Well-Being section in order to avoid repetitive questions and to let everyone having the same question know the answer.
So stay tuned, submit questions, and receive reliable replies.

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