Dear Apu

How to reduce the stress of various issues going around us and focus on one task at a time?
Many of us face daily issues, problems and concerns. So what makes some deal better with stress than others? Mindfulness is the awareness  of the exact moment that you are in and being mindful allows you to only focus on the task that is in front of you. Mindfulness is not some mystical, magical concept; it is simply an awareness of what you are doing, feeling, thinking at this exact moment.  So how does being mindful help you focus and alleviate stress?  By simply focusing on this exact moment you are reading these words you are focusing only on one thought.The more you practice focusing on one thought the more aware you become of your thoughts.When you are more aware (mindful), you feel less stressed. If you allow yourself to focus only on one task, the tendency to stress immediately when faced with an issue decreases, because again it is only one thought you are focusing on. So how does one practice Mindfulness? Meditation is a great practice that allows us to be mindful anywhere and anytime. Meditating only requires you to set your phone timer for 2 minutes (more if you have time), close your eyes and just focus on your breathing. Your only job as you meditate is to simply focus on your breathing, nothing else. Daily 2-minute meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety by reducing the stress response in your brain (the amygdala) and allowing you to experience less stress and anxiety. Mindfulness does not only benefit your ability to deal with stress but it also makes you more compassionate towards others. So, have you got 2 minutes for yourself? 

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